Good morning, Brothers and Sisters of District Council 33. We know the past week has been stressful for many of you who didn't fully understand the City of Philadelphia Vaccination and Masking Mandates or District Council 33's position on the mandate. In an effort to make things crystal clear, we are providing the actual employee newsletter from the City of Philadelphia. Everything you need to know is included in this document.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to READ all of the information made available to you. Over the last few days, we received so many inquiries and comments that clearly showed us that people are NOT reading and/or comprehending the information provided.
• No, the city is not forcing you to get vaccinated.
• Yes, you must wear a mask at your workplace, even if you have been vaccinated.
• Yes, you are required to wear TWO masks if you have not been vaccinated.
• No, District Council 33 is not forcing you to vaccinate.
• Yes, District Council 33 encourages vaccination to provide a safe work environment for ALL of its members.
• Yes, District Council 33 will ensure that the rights of ALL members, whether vaccinated or not, are protected.
PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT to gain a full understanding of the complete mandate. If you have questions, reach out to your local officers. They work for you. Thank you.